Hornet LGBT Token

The LGBT Foundation Sets The Path to Launch Its Wallet and Token on the Hornet Community Platform

A blockchain-based LGBT Token will not only empower and connect LGBT businesses around the world, but also protect LGBT community members’ identities in a safe and secure environment. The LGBT Foundation recognized the potential of blockchain technology to protect and further advance the rights of the LGBT community across the globe. By tokenizing the Pink Dollar, the LGBT Foundation will be able to support three principle goals:

One of the first milestone integrations of the LGBT Token is with the Hornet Community Platform. Of Hornet’s 25 million users, 20,000 users log in everyday into its community platform which is a really important part of Hornet–its similar to many open source projects in that these 20K users who contribute back to the community in one form or another–they beta test, hunt for bugs, report spam, translate the app, or contribute articles. This is a natural way for Hornet to use crypto / blockchain to engage with it’s community and power-users. The LGBT Token is specifically used as the best solution to support the needs of the Hornet community.  Launching with the community means putting tokens in the hands of large number of users who are passionate about Hornet and an LGBT Foundation. This will be one of the largest tokens adopted for social impact and the most impactful use of blockchain for the global LGBT community. Starting with the Hornet community, this token may have impact both in app as well as outside of the app for businesses that support the LGBT community.